Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things Teaching Has Taught Me

I have had the priviledge of teaching middle and high school students for 5 years and I love it. You never know what to expect each day, each class period, or from each student. However, the older I get the better things used to be.

1. I am a complete idiot. I know nothing about everything.
2. I have no idea what good music or television is. The louder, the better. The more screaming, the better. The less you can understand the lyrics, the better. The more cussing, the better.
3. What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine. Everyone has a right to everything. Gone are the days of earning what you get...I am entitled to everything!
4. Relationships are no longer personal. The only way to converse with anyone else is through text messaging or facebook.
5. No topic of conversation is off limits. I can ask anyone, no matter their age, about anything, no matter the rating. There are no longer things you just don't talk about.
6. If someone disagrees with me or doesn't like me, it's because of my race.
and finally
7. This one has come more with age...My parents are not near as stupid or rich as I gave them credit for.

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